Wow! What a transformation my body has gone through! After 3 babies, I had really let the pounds stick around and then I tried Ideal Protein. 45 lbs later, I am absolutely thrilled with my results! This diet has turned into a lifestyle change and it feels amazing! No more heartburn, upset stomach, or the feeling of regret when you finish a meal. I’m so thankful for Ideal Protein and my amazing coach who was there for me every step of the way. It works!
Dad, it’s me!
A year ago I decided to take my health and life back!! I had struggled with my weight all of my life. I have been on every diet known to mankind, and even created a few diets myself. I would lose a few pounds…then I would gain it all back + a few extra. I had watched a few ladies in my Church losing weight & started to ask questions. I Found out they were on Ideal Protein…and I thought I would give it try. So I joined on August 7, 2015. I thought if I could just lose 40-50 pounds life would be better. The first few days were tough, but after day 4 …I was on a roll!! I kept true to the program…I realized Very quickly that if I worked the program, it would work for me!! I began to lose weight & started to have more energy & less aches & pains. In June I went to my Nephews graduation, I stopped by my Dad’s house first…feeling proud of myself & wanting to share my success. I knocked on his door, Dad answered. He was very polite- he invited me in, and told me to have a seat. No hug…no usual “Linda Gayle..good to see you” episode. Instead he went down the hallway to get his wife. I went to the bathroom. Wondering the whole time if my Dad was mad at me. Then I overheard him tell his wife that Some lady was here, he wasn’t sure who it was, but that I knew where their bathroom was. Then I smiled & realized my Dad did not recognize me. I came out of the bathroom & said “Daddy..you don’t know who I am?” THEN HE REALIZED THAT IT WAS HIS ONLY DAUGHTER. Then I got my hugs & oh yeah..I got the Linda Gayle…my gosh you’ve changed!! So folks…This program works!! This is the Best thing I have ever done for myself!! I still have days when I feel like a ROCK STAR…every time I try on a size 6 or 8 and it fits…I feel great!!!
I am very excited to report the weight loss success I’ve achieved thru Ideal Protein. I was soooo incredibly blessed to have you as my diet coach. The patience you showed me when I had all those questions & your encouragement to me was a large part of my success. Additionally, I’ve received that same encouragement from each member of your staff. Y’all are AWESOME!
I began my journey to remove the layer upon layer of excess weight in May 2015. As of June 2016, I’ve lost 82.5#!! I’m ashamed that I allowed myself to get so overweight. I’m finally able to see my reflection in the mirror & actually see ME.
The Ideal Protein program has taught me the importance of food choices & food prep. My husband told me once (as he was eating the dinner I’d prepared) that he hadn’t realized that eating healthy would taste so delicious. YES!! I now take the time to use fresh veggies in my preparations & have become very creative with spices. I’ve learned to be prepared. If I know I’ll be out & about, I take fresh raw veggies with me to snack on (I keep a cooler in my car for this purpose!). I also try to keep fresh veggies on hand @ work. When my co-workers are eating & sharing unhealthy snacks, I have my veggies to go to. This allows me to “stay strong” & to still participate in the office dynamics. Is it hard to stay on track 24/7? Sometimes! Is it worth it to stay on track? DEFINATELY! As I’ve told anyone that will listen: every time I flex my “willpower muscle”, it becomes stronger.
The excess pounds I was carrying, my poor eating habits, & the stress I was allowing in my life contributed to a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes 4 years ago. Thanks to you & Ideal Protein, I am now off all of my meds!!
I am thrilled to have more energy & desire for a more active life.
I hope my experience will encourage someone else to take care of themselves & LIVE!!!
Jenn is so encouraging!!
Ideal Protein was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I knew that if I signed on there was no holding back or cheating. I would be in 100 percent. There were very easy times as well as those hard times. I am not disciplined when it comes to food choices, if I were I would not need a weight loss program. The food was good and the longer I did IP the easier it became. I managed to overcome most obstacles that came my way. I lost the weight and am now on the mission of keeping it off. I was blessed to have had Jennifer be my guide on this journey. Jennifer is an encourager! She helped me all along the way with encouragement. She never gave up on me. She rejoiced in my successes and encouraged me when not so successful. She was a constant source of information and ideas. She was such an inspiration. I never ever felt judged or any condemnation only love and encouragement. Have you noticed I have used several forms of the word “ Encourage”. My only regret is I did not start sooner. I let fear of failure keep me back. Thank you IP team But most of all Thank you Jennifer! Could not have asked for a better coach. As I have lost the weight I hope I have gained a friend.
A more active life!
My tipping point came in early March of 2017. After going shopping because I needed new pants, I was shocked to discover that I now needed to buy a 44 inch waist in order to be comfortable. I had known that I was gaining weight over the past several years but somehow managed to minimize it in my mind. I ignored feeling out of breath when hiking with my family on a trip to Colorado the summer before, chocking it up to the altitude, and ignoring the fact that I was overweight.
For whatever reason, those 44 inch waist pants made me really look at myself.
I had seen several success stories of people that I know personally from church, and they all had the same thing in common: Ideal Protein and our church friend Jennifer Wagner as their coach. I discussed my desire to start ideal Protein with my wife, and she was very supportive of the idea. She even reached out to Jennifer on my behalf. Nervously, I decided to start the program in mid-March of 2017. I am amazed at how easy the program was for me to stick to, and thrilled with the results. Jennifer has been a wonderful coach who is incredibly kind and supportive. After being on the program for 19 weeks, I lost 47 lbs. and 23.25 total inches! I am now able to comfortably fit into pants that are a 36 inch waist, and I feel so much better about myself. My family recently returned to Colorado again this summer, and I was able to go on a 3.5 mile round trip hike up a mountain while being able to carry on a conversation the entire time! I am looking forward to a more active life with my family. Thanks to Ideal Protein!
Feel the difference!
One week after turning 56. I tipped the scales at 293 lbs. My highest weight ever!
So this is it I thought… 70-80 lbs over weight, blood pressure getting higher by the month and knees so bad just the thought of climbing stairs was painful.
No light at the end of the tunnel and not sure what to do or where to turn too next, I hit the bottom of the barrel?
Thankfully I married a woman who reaps positive vibes and “never says never”… Unbeknownst to me, she signed me up for a consultation w/ an Ideal Protein Coach named Jennifer Wagner.
Probably like many before me, I wasn’t buying it and resisted the visit? Thankfully, I put my stubborn pride on the back burner and went to the consultation.
Jennifer did a great job explaining how the program works. Food choices the participant makes. The weekly consultation process and the costs, etc…
Still not completely bought in, I got on her scales at the office and waited for the results.
Again the number flashed 293 lbs, only this time it also showed other indicators, including metabolic age. Mine was 71. When I saw that number, that’s all it took for me to say to Jennifer… “When do we start”
Thus my journey began in early Oct. 2016. I’ve tried a number of other programs previously. Only to lose the weight and gain it back, repeat, or just stop all together.
So what was different this time? I actually ate real food! Good food! I made choices to my food consumption w/ in the plan versus having to eat the other guys food or liquid nourishment?
Ideal Protein worked for me because I decide what I eat within the boundaries of the plan. This includes snacks, shakes and dessert. Yes, dessert. My killer!
The weight began to come off after two weeks. I could see and feel the difference almost immediately. So could my family, friends and co-workers.
Over the next 9 months I lost 80 lbs! I tipped the scales at 213 lbs in July, 2017 and have never felt better. My pant size went from 46 to 36 waist. XXL shirts were replaced w/ XL shirts. Numerous trips were taken to Goodwill to donate baggy clothes 🙂
I never believed I could go away and lose 80 lbs but I did. I’m now 2 months into maintenance and have kept the weight off. My entire life style has changed for the better. Food choices and
Thank you Jennifer for being a great coach and motivator and thanks to my wife for making that phone call!
Ideal Protein Testimonial
Before starting Ideal Protein I felt defeated. I had been diagnosed with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and after having three kids I was at my heaviest weight. It was a vicious cycle; losing weight helps symptoms of pcos, but pcos causes weight gain. I found myself trying numerous diets. I hired a personal trainer and joined boot camps. Nothing was working. It seemed like the harder I tried, the more weight I gained. I started getting really depressed. I felt like there must be something wrong with me, it should be common sense. Eat less, move more.
I told my doctor how I felt and he suggested Ideal Protein. When I first met with Jennifer I was afraid she’d judge me. She didn’t, instead she was the first person to actually understand how I was feeling. She was with me every step of the way. She really made me feel comfortable and gave me the confidence to trust the process.
Starting Ideal Protein was a turning point for me. I am amazed at how well it has worked. I thought it would be difficult considering all I had tried before but was surprised at how easy it became.
I’m glad my doctor recommended Ideal Protein and I feel grateful that I had Jennifer as my coach.
I started the Ideal Protein weight loss plan after finding out I was pre-diabetic. My mother was very ill with complications from her diabetes, so I knew that I had to do something to get the weight off and improve my health. I had tried a lot of different programs from Weight Watchers to the Venus diet. Nothing would get off more than five of the thirty pounds I needed to lose.
My sister-in-law had lost a lot of weight, so I asked her what she had done. She referred me to Ashley, her coach. Ashley took me in the very evening that I called. She explained the diet in very good detail. We did the weigh-in and she got me started. Four months later, I reached my goal. I still go to see her for the accountability. It keeps me on track and she still gives a lot of very good advice.
I also got my daughter in law on the program. She has lost close to 60 pounds since she started 5 months ago. She is much healthier and definitely happier. This life-style change has improved our lives so much and we are so grateful to the great coaches for the support and guidance they have given.
I had a major shift in my lifestyle where I was no longer as active or going into an office every day and having gotten a little older I found I could no longer “will the pounds away”. I went from a weight that I was “okay” with to being my heaviest inside of a year. I tried to modify my diet and add exercise 3-5 times a week I was failing at trying to lose weight. I had given up and was sadly resolved to the fact that it is genetics and telling myself that “I wasn’t that big”, “I am smaller than most Americans” and so on…but I was unhappy being 37 – in clothes that were too tight and feeling like a stranger in my own skin.
I attended a seminar with my husband to check out the program in mid-January. We sampled some of the Ideal Protein foods, watched the video and knew we had do something about our health! We started the very next week. The program could not be more clear cut and simple to follow. The team at Slaughter Lane Chiropractic is supportive – they are all behind you and your success in health and wellness! My Coach has been essential to my personal success. When she said she would be available around the clock – she meant it and believe me…I tested the limits!
I love Ideal Protein! The foods are delicious, the personalized coaching and weekly accountability was hugely important – I never felt alone or had a question go unanswered. I lost 30 pounds and 27 inches in just a few short months. I feel great, my self-confidence has been restored but not just because I am thinner and healthier but because I have control over food again and I am armed with the knowledge to make smart choices that will allow me to be successful long term. Ideal Protein defiantly changed my life and quite possibly saved it
I wanted to safely lose a lot of weight before a family vacation that was a few months in the future. My extra weight was starting to cause health issues in addition to not being thrilled about the way I looked. I had looked into Ideal Protein before, but had never seen results in anyone that I knew. A couple coworkers had recently lost a significant amount of weight, so I asked how. They told me ‘Ideal Protein’ and who I could contact for more info. Within a week I had an appointment with Jennifer and started almost immediately. I saw results on the scale immediately and in my clothing size within a few weeks. After 4 months, I had lost 60 lbs and was ready for my family vacation. When I got back, I went back to the program and continued the weight loss to a total of just over 70 lbs – from a 38″ waist in pants and XL size shirts to a 30″ waist and M size shirts. This program gives me the tools and support I need to lose the weight and maintain the weight loss. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about losing weight. It isn’t easy, but what seemed to be impossible now seems to be pretty simple.
Dr. Wagner Is an excellent chiropractor! He and his whole staff are always friendly and caring . I feel very well taken care of there. I have made lots of improvement and feel the use of therapeutic massage has enhanced my progress and experience. I have just finished 6 months on Ideal Protein and lost over 40 pounds. I am so glad that Dr. Wagner has made this program available to his patients. His wife, Jennifer, has been a wonderful Ideal Protein mentor and friend and is always positive and supportive! I feel that I am in the best health I have been in for years due to the inspiration and encouragement I have received from everyone there. The whole clinic is organized and run very efficiently with concern for the patient’s well being their top priority! I am grateful to have found such a place.
I began the Ideal Protein diet at the end of October 2015. My coach throughout the process has been Jennifer Wagner. I want to take the time to describe what a great coach Jennifer Wagner is for Ideal Protein Dieters. She did an outstanding job describing the guidelines for each phase of the diet. In our weekly meetings she was very through measuring my progress on the diet. She always made me feel comfortable and ensured that my process was personalized. I greatly appreciate how she made herself available 24/7 to answer questions and concerns. Ideal Protein is an effective diet that works thanks to fantastic coaches like Jennifer Wagner. I highly recommend the diet and working with Jennifer.
When I started Ideal Protein I wanted to lose weight that I had been trying to lose for many years. Not only did I lose the weight, I lost more then I thought possible. I got back to my high school size! Losing weight was my main focus but what I didn’t count on was how amazing I would feel!! I started sleeping better, had more energy, and my skin and hair were so much healthier. I was able to drop many medications that I had been on for years! I now know how to eat and know I can jump back to Ideal any time I need to for a boost. Love, love, love this program!❤
I started the Ideal Protein on August 2, 2016 after attending a Wednesday night informational session at Wagner Chiropractic in June, 2016. I have to admit I was very hesitant and skeptical to start this protocol because I have failed at so many other weigh loss programs. Not only had I failed but I felt like a failure. I felt defeated and doomed to continue down a path of – “I can’t lose weight” – and was on my way to becoming a diabetic. And not being in love with a lot of vegetables – well that really scared me !
After listening to Jenn at the session say “if she could do it, anyone can” – this was instrumental. Her journey was like so many of ours where we tried and failed and tried and failed again and again. For her to admit that losing weight is really something we “can’t” do on our own also struck a chord with me. She was a walking testimony and I placed my trust in her to help me.
I found the program to be a little challenging at first but once I was in ketosis and starting seeing the weight drop off, it was like “YES” I can do this. It’s WORKING! I give all the credit to Jenn – she was THE KEY TO MY SUCCESS. She was flexible to work around my schedule, she made many suggestions about foods to eat and foods to avoid, and she even understood my likes and dislikes around the IP foods and didn’t force me to eat what I just couldn’t stomach. I never felt pushed or chastised, just encouraged and praised! Jenn is a true coach and teacher and I hope God continues to bless her with as much success as she’s given me!
I would recommend Ideal Protein to anyone needing to lose weight (a little or a lot).
My name is Christa; I am a 42-year-old homeschooling mom to three kiddos 12, 8, and 4. In January 2017, I announced to my husband that I refused to buy the next bigger size clothes. I was also tired of working out, eating generally healthy and not seeing any progress with losing weight. I’d tried 17-Day Diet and had some moderate success, but always hit a plateau after losing 8-10lbs. Then it would all creep back on. Before becoming pregnant with my third child, I had managed to lose 20lbs. I kept it off for 10months. I regained 5lbs over the holidays. When I found out I was pregnant dieting attempts stopped. Since then the only thing I’ve done is work out and try to watch what I eat. That was not working.
So, after my declaration in January 2017, I went to the IP info session and signed up. I committed to the process with no cheating. Before starting I sat down and made notecards to remind myself on days when it was hard, and I didn’t want to follow the rules, why I was doing this…what is the long term goal. I started IP in mid January, and 18 weeks later I am 29.8 lbs. lighter and 22.5 inches smaller. ALL my clothes fit and my “skinny” clothes are too big (some of them).
I am convinced I would not have been as successful in sticking with the program, if I had not had access to Jennifer as a coach. I texted her A LOT, with questions, clarifications, frustrations, pictures of food, struggles, random thoughts, and at random times. She answered them patiently, compassionately, timely, and always, always cheered me on and helped me stay focused. I am grateful to her for making herself so available. The clinic is very friendly and feels like family. They want you to succeed and will push when you need it, but in the most compassionate way.
I went on a couple weekend retreats, taking some of my own food. Jennifer guided me in both making wise restaurant food choices and how to ask for what I needed from the retreat food coordinators. I figured out how to order at a restaurant during Phase 1 in a way that did not feel like being deprived. My secret is to select items you will have to remove the least amount of items before eating it.
Make no mistake, IP is an investment, yes of money, but also time, energy and commitment. It is not easy. The first month was challenging to figure out how to feed my family, without preparing a separate meal. I had my husband’s full support and encouragement and the kids reluctantly ate what was given them for dinner. Before long this way of eating became our new normal, and I began thinking about it less and found I was automatically making recipes work for Phase 1.
Now it’s a lifestyle change. As I head into maintenance, I’m nervous about keeping it all off, but I know I have Jennifer for support and guidance. There will be slip-ups, but they won’t be devastating, and I’ll know how to recover.
My biggest piece of advice is commit to commit, and don’t be afraid to text your coach for guidance, they are there to help.
A friend told me about the Ideal Protein program and how successful it was for her. The holidays were over and I was ready and determined to find something that would work for me and help me loose the extra weight that seemed to just keep creeping up! I researched on-line to find an Ideal Protein Clinic in my area and found several. I chose the Slaughter Lane Chiropractic Clinic because of the very high client approval rating. This was a very good choice! I was able to attend the free initial group meeting to learn more about the program and to even try some of the wonderful food products!
I joined the program that evening and got my 1st appointment for the next day. My coach Jennifer is truly an inspiration & her support is invaluable. She is always available thru visits or text messages for any question or concerns that I have. I have now reached Phase 4 maintenance and she continues to teach and guide me through this process. Thank you, Jennifer, for helping me lose over 30 pounds and over 30 inches in about 4 months!
I love the advice. I love the food. I love the support and friendly staff.
Jennifer has been there for me every step of the way. I honestly do not believe I could have done this without her. And, now I have a friend for life! I know if I stumble I can count on this program to get me back on track to my ideal weight goal. This is now a life adventure and I truly believe that my life is and will be so much better because of Jennifer and this program!
We love Ideal Protein! The diet was very easy to follow. We had no cravings and were never hungry. We never felt like we couldn’t keep doing it. Our motivation was the scale! Every day we got on it and the numbers were going down! We had no problem with the ideal Protein packets. We didn’t like them all, but they offer a variety so there is something for everyone. Our Coach Jennifer Wagner is amazing! She was always there for us! If we had any questions we could text her and she would respond within a reasonable time. I lost 45 lbs in 5 months and my husband lost 105 in 7 months! We did not cheat. If you follow the rules it truly works! Just know if you cheat you’re only cheating yourself.
Tom and Kellie Stiegemeyer
My tipping point came in early March of 2017. After going shopping because I needed new pants, I was shocked to discover that I now needed to buy a 44 inch waist in order to be comfortable. I had known that I was gaining weight over the past several years but somehow managed to minimize it in my mind. I ignored feeling out of breath when hiking with my family on a trip to Colorado the summer before, chocking it up to the altitude, and ignoring the fact that I was overweight.
For whatever reason, those 44 inch waist pants made me really look at myself.
I had seen several success stories of people that I know personally from church, and they all had the same thing in common: Ideal Protein and our church friend Jennifer Wagner as their coach. I discussed my desire to start ideal Protein with my wife, and she was very supportive of the idea. She even reached out to Jennifer on my behalf. Nervously, I decided to start the program in mid March of 2017. I am amazed at how easy the program was for me to stick to, and thrilled with the results. Jennifer has been a wonderful coach who is incredibly kind and supportive. After being on the program for 19 weeks, I lost 47 lbs. and 23.25 total inches! I am now able to comfortably fit into pants that are a 36 inch waist, and I feel so much better about myself. My family recently returned to Colorado again this Summer, and I was able to go on a 3.5 mile round trip hike up a mountain while being able to carry on a conversation the entire time! I am looking forward to a more active life with my family. Thanks to Ideal Protein!
One week after turning 56. I tipped the scales at 293 lbs. My highest weight ever!
So this is it I thought… 70-80 lbs over weight, blood pressure getting higher by the month and knees so bad just the thought of climbing stairs was painful.
No light at the end of the tunnel and not sure what to do or where to turn too next, I hit the bottom of the barrel?
Thankfully I married a woman who reaps positive vibes and “never says never”… Unbeknownst to me, she signed me up for a consultation w/ an Ideal Protein Coach named Jennifer Wagner.
Probably like many before me, I wasn’t buying it and resisted the visit? Thankfully, I put my stubborn pride on the back burner and went to the consultation.
Jennifer did a great job explaining how the program works. Food choices the participant makes. The weekly consultation process and the costs, etc…
Still not completely bought in, I got on her scales at the office and waited for the results.
Again the number flashed 293 lbs, only this time it also showed other indicators, including metabolic age. Mine was 71. When I saw that number, that’s all it took for me to say to Jennifer… “When do we start”
Thus my journey began in early Oct. 2016. I’ve tried a number of other programs previously. Only to lose the weight and gain it back, repeat, or just stop all together.
So what was different this time? I actually ate real food! Good food! I made choices to my food consumption w/ in the plan versus having to eat the other guys food or liquid nourishment?
Ideal Protein worked for me because I decide what I eat within the boundaries of the plan. This includes snacks, shakes and dessert. Yes, dessert. My killer!
The weight began to come off after two weeks. I could see and feel the difference almost immediately. So could my family, friends and co-workers.
Over the next 9 months I lost 80 lbs! I tipped the scales at 213 lbs in July, 2017 and have never felt better. My pant size went from 46 to 36 waist. XXL shirts were replaced w/ XL shirts. Numerous trips were taken to Goodwill to donate baggy clothes 🙂
I never believed I could go away and lose 80 lbs but I did. I’m now 2 months into maintenance and have kept the weight off. My entire life style has changed for the better. Food choices and
Thank you Jennifer for being a great coach and motivator and thanks to my wife for making that phone call!